
The Thing

Ah Huat served as a range warden during his NS days.

Every evening was spent 'jaga-ing' the 25m small arms shooting range. These are places that's easily forgotten by many, NOT just civilians out there but soldiers alike.

One late noon when the range was finally not in operation, Ah Huat had decided to respond to the call of Mama Nature. He felt in control of the situation, because at that point in time, there wasn't anyone around.

Usually, the male range toilet would be relatively unsightly, with soiled marks around the bowls and wet tissue balls littering the path from the entrance into the cubicles.Ah Huat had a tough morning managing the range, and so decided to reward himself by walking like a king into the ladies.

Some cheap and readily available luxury, he murmured to himself as he headed comfortably into one of the cubicles and shut the world out.

The detox sensation was awesome. It felt like some sort of contained explosion. The load was lethal, but the job was chop chop. Everything ended the moment it barely started. Ah Huat was sure he had the nonsense fully excreted. His a** felt clear of obstruction.

Ah Huat decided to end the whole ritual. He parted the last piece of tissue needed to clear his a** and reached out to the toilet lever in half squat position.

Ah Huat wasn't prepared for what that was to happen....

PART OF HIS SOLID WASTE launch itself from the pool of excretion as the waters from the water cistern whirlpooled into the hole. It contained so much power, that IT made its way out of the water suction and landed pretty neat by his leg. Ah Huat fell into a 5 second state of ultimate shock.


Ah Huat's lower body remained motionless, mind struggling desperately to figure out the logic of what he just saw. All of a sudden he felt weak and vulnerable.

Eyes still transfixed onto IT, he finally figured out the whole evil force propelling this SH*T

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Ah Huat swallowed the tastelessness of his saliva and cursed. That Thing lay motionlessly throughout the whole discharging ritual.

It scared the SH*T out of him. Literally.

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