Friday Admiralty Night Skate is something i've always looked forward to since the days i slip on my pair of slalom skates. Its this very intuitive avenue for me to run away from the day's nonsense as well as for me to focus on something i really love to do.
This week AND the previous wk has been an eventful one. Real eventful ( though i still have yet to clinch an interview. L.O.S.E.R) . Posted some pictures in place of wordy stuff. Bear with me if you cant get the chronological order of the events. I had too much pictures taken over many events for the past few days. Here we go:
1. I went for Stong Trip with some of my ODAC old bird friends. ODAC renewal session for me.

2. I went skating with my Lata group V, R, P, X and dearie.

All giving a go on cones

guess who's butt this belongs to.

Look at what happen to the parade commander after going for odac trips...

My pseudo girlfriends. My slaves mua ha ha ha~!
3. From today's Friday Night Skate, Terence taught me how to do a katzatchok( a particular cone trick move see ) properly.
4. Collected my convo gown from Serangoon Broadway today as well. Got into a small conversation with this sweet gal who served me in the studio. Cheap thrill session.
5. And while i wasnt around, the lata gang went to drink WITHOUT ME! sigh....

See! The parade commander... did i remember him saying he WONT drink?

Aw...! Our parade commander is surrounded by MORE GALS!
6. The lata gang met up for OCEANS 13 in causeway point. Prior to that, they had a gruelling badminton session coached by our dear miss R. Gosh she really had me fooled when she said she wasnt good in badminton. Diaoz!
Here's one classic picture before we were admitted into the show:

7. I went for a night excursion on thursday with my skater boys and some gals to labrador park and had prata session at Eu Tong Sen. Drove a 10 foot lorry around. Felt good cos i was given the exposure to drive automobiles that my Class 3 license can permit.
Oh yesh, here's part 2 of Lata pictures:

One thing that didnt go well this week though, was that my dearie fell ill with nasty rashes and a slight fever. I pray that she gets well soon, well enough for me not to worry about her!
There are more pictures to come actually. From all over the shop. Guess its time for me to sort things out on my lappie and start backing up files before i start working. God Bless me.