
My students

One year back, while doing my fyp project, i thought probably i would become a P.E teacher ( or any other profession ) so that i can break away from being an engineer. The silly thing was, i chose engineering in the first place.

By some funny reason back then, i was rejected after an interview in MOE headquarters. All along i always believed i had the cut to be a teacher, because i feel i always have this relentless will to impart and share in a slow and patient manner.

Oh well, at least i could still explore my so called talents - GIVING TUITION.

Junjie and Weiling ( the creators of this blog ) completed PSLE last year. I was glad to find out from their parents that they were doing good. Junjie was the top 10 in his class in Maris Stella during continual assessments while Weiling found a new passion to substitute her skipping rope - volley ball. Somewhat, i feel this sense of achievement at this juncture.

Despite my tight schedule on shifts, I have not given up on this mentoring role. I still have 3 more boys under my charge.

One of them ,Gerald, is a math prodigy in the making, doing his PSLE this year. The 2nd eldest boy, Ryan(P4), is a complete opposite of Gerald, always trying to skive and often put the blame on his school teachers whenever i accuse him of not knowing some fundamentals and basics in the textbook. The 3rd boy, Timothy(P2)is a fine mix of his 2 elder brothers.

A few days back, i flashed out my new hp and Timothy's eyes gleamed in curiosity.

Timo, "NEW PHONE!!!"

Goat, "Yes, smart boy...."

Timo," My mother also buy new phone. Some 'soul' phone. How come everyone is buying new phone?"

Goat, "Ermz... I wont change phone that easily. My previous phone spoiled and gave up on me you see..."

Timo," So nice one... my mother has a new phone, Gerald has a phone, I think ryan will get a phone in one year's time. Mommee told me that i can only have phone when i'm primary six. "

At this stage, my mind spun into space. I could remember those days when i had to plead with my dad that i was ready to support my very own pager. I was 16 years old then. Look at what technology has in store for our Gen Y folks!!!

Goat," SO, will you want an expensive phone like your mum's?"

Timo," NO! That is way too expensive. But i think there are phones that cost 28 dollars out somewhere...."

Goat, "Oh, so you saying that 28 dollars is ok for a phone? " ( at this juncture i marvelled at how cheap handphones can be )

Timo, "No, that's also very expensive. Maybe if there's a phone that cost 5 bucks, i want!!!"

I smiled at Timothy's responses. Those werent what i expected from a typical 8 year old these days.

This boy's a sensible one.

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