
The amazing haze that still left me in a daze

It must have been the day of the marathon.
Felt like it was in the midst of a heavy downpour and we gathered snuggly under some attap roof for shelter. I saw Robin Tan who had finished(and probably washed up from his PB attempt earlier). I was perplexed; A few moments ago on a Monday morning I actually visited the doctor for sore throat and runny nose. Couldn’t really comprehend how things fall into current state. I don’t remember training much (thanks to the haze, I have been a gym rat on the threadmill) and here I was supposedly in the winners den(those who can run much faster than me are all considered winners).

This is as much as I could remember from the dream I had earlier on. There was supposed to be a second part I swear. I woke up with images of the dream vivid and I thought I could recapture them at a later time of the day. Barely 4 hrs passed since I woke up and 50% wiped out


Happy Tuesday folks!

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