
Basic Millitary Training

Pretty much like it i would say, except that it lasted only 5 days.

I had to report to work from 230pm to 10pm every day for the past 5 days. So last Sunday i finally had a good taste of a 8+++ hr rest. Woke up on Monday feeling so fresh that things around me seem to move very very slow. There was this very faint yet consistent fragrance coming from the crisp dry laundry from the kitchen area. The sun was so tempting that i decided to load all the essentials into my Osprey bag and drove down for a quick 20 lap dip in Woodlands pool. After the swim and lunch ( at home ) i made my way to work, and thank goodness we ended our simulation slots by 945pm that night.

So this little routine on Monday carried on all the way. I slept, woke up feeling shiok, swam, lunch, work, came home, slept, woke up feeling energetic... bla bla bla.

As i am finishing this paragraph now, i cant help but wonder when i last slept for more than 8 hrs everyday for almost a week.

I can really feel the difference folks. Sleep is VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT.

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